Zimcom is closely monitoring the World Health Organization’s official communication as well as the Center for Disease Control and state and local health authorities regarding COVID-19.
As the spread of COVID-19 continues, the Zimcom team is well equipped to maintain critical services to our customers. Our goals are to:
• Protect the safety of Zimcom employees and visitors;
• Manage the impacts associated with a disruption to critical operations due to a loss or unavailability of necessary resources (including personnel, technology, facility, and suppliers);
• Reduce business continuity-related risk; and integrate business continuity and preparedness into the corporate culture.
Zimcom is well-positioned to effectively continue to maintain up-time for all of our products and services and to meet all reasonable customer requests for assistance.
Our management team has outlined a plan designed to reduce the risk of service disruptions, maintain support to our customers and to help reduce the spread of the outbreak. These measures include:
• Ensuring all necessary personnel are equipped with the proper tools to allow them to work remotely as needed without loss of functionality. Our normal phone number (513.231.9500) and support email address (mysupport@zimcom.net) will continue to be operated by our staff, with no changes or impact to customers.
• Imposing a suspension of our staff’s attendance at conferences and other events through the end of March. This policy will be re-evaluated at the end of March and may be extended as required.
• Instructing any employees who are sick or who begin to show any flu-like symptoms including fever, body aches, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath to remain home until those symptoms have subsided.
• Limiting any non-essential visitor contact to our offices and data center locations. We are not restricting access by our colocation customers to our data centers, however, we would ask all customers to avoid sending employees or visitors to our facilities if an affirmative answer would be received to any of the following questions:
1) Are you currently experiencing any flu-like symptoms including fever, body aches, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath?
2) Have you been in contact with a confirmed novel coronavirus (COVID-19) patient in the past 14 days?
3)Have you traveled internationally within the past 14 days?
• Implementing a hygiene program at the data center which includes:
• Installation of hand sanitizing stations at all ingress and egress points in the building and in the data rooms as well in our offices.
• Use of disinfectant wipes on door handles, counter tops, workstations, door access controls, light switches and other high-touch areas within the building multiple times per day.
• Hygienic prevention tips emailed to internal staff
Please reference the CDC link for COVID-19 that our team is monitoring on the CDC business response guidance page…
As always, our support resources are here to serve you. Thank you for your continued trust in Zimcom. Please stay safe, and stay healthy.
Jason Huebner
VP/General Manager